If you’ve attended any of my talks or workshops you’ll have heard me talk about the 3 content marketing principles . Whether it’s a Facebook, Email or SEO workshop or a talk on marketing strategy these three things always come up. They are the magic ingredients when it comes to why people consume content.
And it all starts with the BBC. Since it’s inception the BBC’s mission has been to educate, entertain and inspire… at least that’s what I’ve been telling people for the past two years. But I’ve just checked the BBC website and I have it slightly wrong:
BBC Mission: To enrich people's lives with programmes and services that inform, educate and entertain.
So, at some point I have replaced inform with inspire. Whilst inform might be correct for the BBC (think News and weather programs) for content marketing pure information isn’t quite as engaging. We don’t jump on Facebook in a morning looking to see who is informing me today! And actually I am noticing a shift with news and weather programs going that extra step to educate as well as inform. Recently I was watching the weather forecast (although I can’t be sure which channel it was on) and they were explaining the ways the hot and cold fronts move to create the weather we are experiencing. It was much more interesting than just stating the weather, they told me why, and I was engaged for much longer. Inform and educate go hand in hand when it comes to content marketing. If it’s just information updates, then it probably isn’t engaging content.

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