We all think we know how to use Facebook, I mean according to the latest stats on average we are checking Facebook 14 times a day! We’re posting on our Facebook pages and the Facebook algorithm controls who sees you posts, how often and how many times. So what else can we do to make more of an impact with those people who are finding our Facebook pages?

Change Your Facebook Cover Image and CTA
How often do you change your Facebook cover header and call to action button? I change mine regularly to reflect what’s happening in my business. Recently I’ve used the cover image to promote Expo 17 with a CTA to book tickets, I also use it to feature upcoming workshops with either a book button or learn more to take people though to the workshop details. But more excitingly – Facebook recently rolled out video covers for business pages. Did you know you could have a video playing in a loop as your Facebook header?
Vary Your Post Styles
Over the years changes to the Facebook algorithm have reduced the organic reach of post with links to external websites, we’ve seen a move to more image led posts and with Zuckerberg’s goal to become ‘TV in your pocket’, video posts (especially live videos) are getting more reach in the news feed. But did you know that you can keep things entertaining for your audience with video slideshows, image carousels, offers, notes, call to action posts to get phone calls/messages or promote your email newsletter sign up or even give directions?
Turn Your Page into a Mini Website
There are some people who use Facebook like a search engine. People who hang out on Facebook are more likely to check out your business presence, imagine you’ve been tagged by a friend, or recommended in a group, people click through to your page to find out more about your business. And whilst you might want to send people to your website – they might prefer to get all the info they need from Facebook, they might be more likely to interact with you on Facebook on their own terms. So, you have an opportunity to turn your fb page into a mini website in 5 steps:
● Make sure your about information is up to date
● Make it clear how to contact you
● Integrate your other social media profiles like Twitter Instagram
● Include an email sign up form to your page tabs
● List your products/services or integrate your online shop
So, that's 3 quick and easy ways you can use your Facebook page to make a bigger impact on you page visitors.
If you need more support when it comes to Facebook marketing strategy or getting to grips with the technical know how to make the changes suggested then take a look at my next Facebook for Business Workshops.
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Good tips! I only just added services to my page this weekend. I do lives each week but yet to try an offers or carousel post… will explore, thanks!
Great advice Louise, and you’ve shown me how much I have to learn! Best get booked on your November workshop… 🙂