10 Twitter Chat Tips

Last week I was asked for some tips on participating in a Twitter chat for the first time. The chat the lady was taking part in was the #watctop100 run by We are the City (@WATC_Updates), so all the examples given below relate back to this particular chat.

Tip #1

Make sure you include the chat hashtag in every tweet e.g #watctop100

Tip #2

Where you can hashtag the topic so other people who are interested can find it e.g. #rolemodels

Tip #3

Have two browsers open (or use two devices) one to follow the chat and one to keep up with notifications so you can reply to any mentions.

Tip #4

Make sure you are following the chat hashtag feed not just your personal feed

Tip #5

Don’t be afraid to say if your interpretation of something is different – there will be others who will think like you too and you can start a conversation about it.

Tip #6

I always try to reply to the question so that people who are following you but not the chat can expand the tweet when they see if in their feed to understand what question you are answering.

Tip #7

And usually the questions are numbered e.g. Q1 Q2 so make sure you start your answer with A1, A2.

An example of both of these is below.

Tip #8

If someone else’s answer resonates with you retweet it. If you can quote it with a comment, even if it’s a “Yes this!” Or “100% agree”. I often try and add something to it, giving an opinion or building on the concept. This is a great example from the chat.

Tip #9

After the chat you can go back and connect with people, say thank you for any retweets, follow them, add to them to a list.

Tip #10

And finally check your twitter analytics to see which posts had the most engagement to understand which tweet types work best for you and this chat.

Which Twitter chats do you take part in? Let us know in the comments and feel free to share your tips.

For more marketing and Twitter tips join us in Your Marketing Lounge every Tuesday for #TipsyTuesday.

This post originally appeared in Your Marketing Lounge in response to a member question about Twitter chats.

Twitter Training

If you need more support when it comes to using Twitter confidently without being overwhelmed by all the technical stuff then check out my upcoming courses at Social Media Summer School.

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2 thoughts on “10 Twitter Chat Tips

  1. Thanks for these. I’ve only taken part in a couple of Twitter chats so far and they’ve felt a bit manic – pretty hard to keep up with it! But I guess that comes with practice. I’ll use your checklist next time and I’m sure it’ll help to improve things. Thanks for sharing.

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